We believe you can be good to your skin while being kind to the planet. That’s why Cay Skin is committed to creating a new standard of sun care that has a positive environmental impact. Here’s how!
Less than 14% of plastic packaging is recycled. That’s why we're excited to announce our partnership with PACT Collective, a non-profit working to collect hard-to-recycle beauty packaging like pumps and tubes to keep them out of the landfill.
Visit our PACT program page for instructions and more information.
While we do suncare and skincare so well, we understand there are others who do sustainability well. We’re Certified CarbonNeutral® (Certificate Number: CN20220210314), and committed to partnering with environmental, non-profit organizations to minimize our carbon footprint.
We believe all shades are beautiful. Including green.
Today, 75% of our primary product packaging is made up of at least 30% post-consumer recycled content. All that means is that we love giving a second life to recycled goods! All of our secondary cartons and shippers have met the gold standard on ethical production made from 100% FSC-certified (or responsibly managed forests) paperboard.
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